The public health pest control (vector control) category is for pesticide applications made for the purpose of treating, repelling, mitigating, or otherwise controlling any non-human organism that is, or may be, a vector of human disease by a pesticide applicator who is an employee of, or independent contractor for, a federal, state, county, city, mosquito or vector control district or other political subdivision, or a person working under the direct supervision of a pesticide applicator who is an employee of, or an independent contractor for a federal, state, county, city, mosquito control district or other political subdivision. |
Yes |
Control insects and diseases affecting forested areas and any unwanted plant growth in forest, forest nurseries, and forest seed production. |
Yes |
Control all pests (i.e. insects, diseases, vertebrate pests) of stored farm commodities on the farm (i.e. farm storage, soil, machinery, fresh produce, plants), to agricultural equipment used to transport raw agricultural commodities, in a public or private warehouse, or to control pests subject to a state or federal quarantine requirement. |
Yes |
Control aquatic weeds or other aquatic pests including aquatic animals, microbes or other pests and may include pesticide applications to adjacent riparian or natural areas when water is present. |
Yes |
Control weeds, insects, and disease in the production of citrus plants or citrus fruit. |
Yes |
Control pests by treating seed prior to distribution or planting. Not required for planter box applications if the applicator is certified in the appropriate agricultural category or is a private applicator. |
Yes |
Control pests in the production of ornamental plants or other nursery stock and commercial turf. Includes plants in field production, greenhouses, shade houses, or similar structures.
Yes |
Control external parasites on agricultural animals including any area, facility, or vehicle used for housing, maintenance, or transportation of agricultural animals. |
Yes |
Conduct demonstration and research activities. |
Yes |
Making a pesticide application by fixed or rotary wing aircraft to any crop or any site.
Yes |
Control vertebrate pests affecting agricultural production of field, fruit, nut, or vegetable crops in turf, pastures, rangeland, riparian, or natural areas, rights of ways, parks, or crops/vegetation to be harvested for animal feed. |
Yes |